Spiritual Growth
Small Groups

Small groups are communities of 4-8 students that get together once a week for an hour to hangout and have meaningful conversation. These groups are low commitment and no previous experience reading the Bible is necessary! Small group times and locations vary by year.
Weekend Retreats
The Awakening Retreat is a weekend experience held once each semester off campus in conjunction with Indiana State and Rose-Hulman. Throughout the weekend students listen to the spiritual journey of other college students, spend time in self-reflection and form community.
Busy Person’s Retreat
The Busy Person’s Retreat is typically held in the spring semester for students, faculty and staff who would otherwise be unable to participate in weekend long retreat. Each participate is paired with a Sister of Providence to meet with daily for 45 minutes of spiritual direction. The retreat lasts for one week and hosts a variety of topics including forgiveness, finding peace, God’s will etc.

Spiritual Direction
Several spiritual direction opportunities exist for students, faculty and staff. If you’re seeking to establish habits of prayer and Bible study, spiritual mentoring may be your best option through the Campus Ministry department. If you have an established spiritual life, spiritual direction with a Sister of Providence certified spiritual director may be better.
Taizé Prayer
Taize Prayer is an hour-long experience of music, readings, reflection and silence. Each second Tuesday of the month, the Sisters of Providence host a Taize Prayer experience in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The SMWC community is encouraged to participate. You can find dates and themes online.